Up On Hogback !!!! Tuba Skinny!!!!

For all interested in hearing the amazing and traditional jazz band from New Orleans, Tuba Skinny….come along on Wednesday night (September 2nd) and join Sue and Glen Martin up on Hogback Mountain. An outdoor potluck dinner will begin at 6:00, followed by the foot stomping, dance inspiring, music of Tuba Skinny.
Don’t miss it!

Patio furniture

This morning I spoke with Sue about their transition from her mum’s house to living back up at the mountain. Their plan is to live in the camper ( that Al curry brought to them) while they begin the process of rebuilding. Sue would like to create a comfortable and nurturing outdoor space that they can retreat to while the new house is being built. She had some ideas of an outdoor patio space and is in need of some outdoor furniture. Perhaps a love seat type piece that can be fitted with outdoor cushions, some outdoor chairs ( Adirondack style?), a table and chairs to seat around it. The camper will be tight for space, so being able to extend their living quarters to the outdoors will be a great help. If anyone has some garden furniture they are no longer needing and are willing to pass it along, please contact Sue at hogbackmt@gmail.com . Sue checks this email frequently, having no phone at the moment. Thank you!

Sunday’s fundraiser

Last Sunday arrived with sunshine and warm weather and was the perfect backdrop for the Martin Family auction and potluck. Almost 500 people turned out to enjoy the day and support this community event. Family, friends and neighbors, all gathered in a celebration of the family.
The community hall was full –
Inspired by an awesome auctioneer –
Good thing there was plenty of room to park –
and wonderful weather for outside music –
and an endless supply of good food.

Thanks to everyone for all the hard work and planning that made this day such a success.

Just a quick update about the quilt. The notice should have read May 29 as the deadline. Sorry

For Sue and Glenn Martin

365montville was a project taken on by Sue, Casey, Denise and me, a daily posting about everyday images and thoughts of life here in Montville through the year 2014. We’re starting this blog up again, this time to share ideas, events, and updates about Sue and Glenn Martin as they move forward in rebuilding their life and home after this devastating fire. They have given so much to this community over the years. Now it’s our opportunity to give back to them.
We’ll post any events (like fundraisers) that are happening, as well as thoughts or requests or just info on where things are at.
I like the rebirth of this site as yet another commentary on Montville and surrounding town residents, rallying around our friends and neighbors, showing just what makes this community the gift that it is.

As of today, Tuesday March 31, the family’s basic needs (clothing, shelter) have been taken care of. We will be letting folks know about specific help or items that will be needed in the coming days and months. Abby Hills will also be emailing folks about goings on. People are welcome to leave their thoughts or ideas as comments on this site.

Here’s some of what is happening:
1. Auction and Potluck April 12 at the Liberty Community Hall. The auction runs from 1 – 4 with dinner afterwards from 4 – 8. For details check out this link – https://www.facebook.com/events/1579968855604851/ or call Lori Mayer @ 589-4141
2. Quilt Project I’m asking for 12.5 in. by 12.5 in cotton squares (the 1/2 inch extra is for a 1/4 inch seam on each side.) Anything you’d like to create would be wonderful. Please drop off your squares at the Montville Grange Hall, which will be unlocked. I’ll have a box out on one of the tables for the squares. If you would like to contribute please have them done by April 19th. We’ll hoping to end up creating more than one quilt. More information to follow about piecing the squares.
3. Craft and Material Supplies We’re also starting to collect material, wool yarn, any sewing or knitting items, craft items like beads, etc. to rebuild Sue’s lost collection. Over the years Sue has created beautiful/whimsical dolls and animals and sweaters and…She has no place for this as yet, but we’d like to have some things together for her when she can finally have time to focus on the art that she loves. There will be boxes at the grange for these as well.
4. Photos A lifetime of photos were lost in the fire. We’re asking people to look through their collections for any pictures relating to the Martin and Freeman families. People can bring photos to the April 12th event and there will be scanners there for actual prints. Or call Ellen Freeman @ 342-4573 to arrange scanning (or giving of photos)
Another way to share your photos is to email them to hogbackphotos@gmail.com. There is also a dropbox being set up online for photos. Send a note to the above email if you want to be invited to use it.
– Online: http://www.gofundme.com/qa6uccc or http://www.gofundme.com/qa5wj4
– Camden National Bank in Belfast – just say you want to deposit funds for Sue and Glenn Martin
– Drop off at either the town office in Montville or Liberty and say it is for Glenn and Sue

We know that lots of people in the community have ideas and want to help. We’re asking that you please contact Jodie Martin @ 930-9876 or Casey Martin @ 930-5408 first in order to keep things organized and help keep the chaos to a minimum.
Thanks – Debbi

365 revisited

A year ago today, four friends started an adventure of words and imagination. We challenged ourselves to commit to a project that would last 365 days, stretching our minds to share thoughts, sights, insights, recipes. We stumbled over keeping track of who’s turn it was, each coming up with our own way of remembering which was “our” day. We grumbled and groused and rediscovered an opportunity for expression we had not exercised in a long time. The computer had never been my first choice for communication… and the appeal of reaching a wider audience was attractive. Placing one’s thoughts in black and white to share, I discovered, was different than speaking those thoughts, or even writing them down in a journal. I found a voice inside me that I had forgotten, and experienced for the first time that inner voices of my friends. Some days the eloquence flowed easily while other days an idea for a topic seemed unattainable.
The 365 days have fled, leaving me with feelings of loss (and relief). Perhaps we have inspired you to try a new recipe, check out more about someone we quoted here, put thoughts to paper. The project has left me with a desire to find new ways to continue exploring and writing.
Thank you to my friends for creating and sharing this journey. And thank you to all who stopped by to read, left us a note, or passed on some thoughts.
Today ended with a beautiful orange and turquoise sky. Tonight is clear and bright, lit by a growing moon. Tomorrow is the start of a new year. Enjoy – Debbi

And……..for our very last entry on 365montville, we’ve decided to each add a few last words, a few last thoughts, a few last happenings from Montville, Maine. One never really knows what you’re getting yourself into when someone makes a suggestion to take part in a year long diary. When you first begin, all kinds of things to talk about come to mind. Funny how quickly you run out of things to say. But we’ve done our best to stay with it, to fill in three hundred and sixty five days worth of words and thoughts and experiences. We’re not always certain as to who’s actually reading our blog, but I do know how often I’ve logged in and found delight in the stories, recipes, and thoughts of some of my dearest friends. I am glad that there is written record of a few Montville women who thought writing this blog was a good idea. I think it was. So, goodbye from 365montville, Happy New Year to all…….and be well, Denise

And from Sue………A year starts out small, quiet, and reflective of the year just past. It changes subtly without much fanfare, growing in accumulative experiences, the pace quickens, and we find ourselves not really minding after such a slow start. We become excited and recharged by its energy, spring.

Our time for reflection wanes as we become engaged and interactive with this energy. Caught up in the glorious bountifulness of new growth we lose sight of our mortality. One feels nurtured and safe by long warm days, summer.

Changes in the air are easier to detect, things move faster, the energy has grown into an entity of its own. We find ourselves riding a wave, a wave we can’t get off of, increasing with intensity, frantic, fall.

Glimmers of mortality return, this frantic energy propels us forward, looking desperately for a way to end the ride or at least a way to slow it down. It happens quickly, cold sets in, the quiet returns, an understanding of death, winter. And yet in this stillness we feel a stirring of things yet to come.

A new year. The young will ride this new wave; those in their prime will challenge the biggest waves and those that are seasoned will find a hand hold and quietly smile. It has been a great year in Montville and I feel blessed by the opportunity to go along for the ride. Sue

From Casey
On New Year’s Eve if you look up for the brightest star in the sky, Sirius will be at its highest at midnight. For centuries, people have looked to Sirius for guidance and hope. The ancient Romans called the rising of the Dog Star at dawn their “dog days.” I can only hope that as we enter another new year on the calendar that you feel like you too are entering your dog days. The last 365 days have signaled much change for me, some good, some not so good, but each and every experience was an opportunity to learn and grow. As we welcome the new year in, let’s also welcome in all the chances for change, reflection and growth that it will afford us.
When in doubt…look up for guidance…….continue to enjoy……and above all, thank you for listening!


Nearing The End

Yes, we’re nearing the end of this year old blog. Tomorrow will be our last post, one more opportunity for our collective voices to form some words on this site. So, tonight I sit feeling the cold ( really? finally!) of this winter, not questioning the wood stove’s need for one more log, having gone out to make sure the chickens have extra straw in their nest boxes, and that the sheep have a few extra flakes of hay, and contemplating the last few words of 365montville.